Hi, I’m Claudia,
a front-end developer
from Berlin.



The name’s Claudia Bräutigam. I am a front-end developer based in Berlin.

I’m into all things web, 3d and mobile with a special love for games. I care for websites with an engaging and interactive experience for the user and love learning and growing with the ongoing development of the web. When I'm not coding at a desk, you can find me a lot in nature taking photos or enjoying the little things in life.


Big clients such as Die deutsche Bauindustrie, BDEW (Bundesverband der Energie- und Wasserwirtschaft) or G-BA (Patientenvertretung im Gemeinsamen Bundesausschuss) were in need of a complete website relaunch. A large number of templates for different views needed to be developed which were integrated later in a complex Django-Content-Management-System to satisfy the editorial needs of the user.

In the case of BDEW the system even needed to be split into an internal part for its members and a public page. The relaunch of G-BA had the special need to develop the whole system in a web accessibility friendly way. It passed the BITV-Test, a reliable and comprehensive accessibility evaluation instrument, with over 90 points.


u.a. Bauindustrie, BDEW, G-BA


HTML, SASS, Javascript

My part

Development, Testing


Die deutsche Bauindustrie,


Every month a new marketing campaign. Every month a new brand to advertise with a special need for a unique individual onepager. The range varied from known brands like Lavazza, Redbull or Coca-Cola to special offers at TOTAL Tankstelle for burgers, ice-cream or other snacks. For Christmas TOTAL mostly decided for family friendly products such as the Yoohoo plushies or Disney mugs.
Depending on the brand and product different techniques such as parallax effects or SVG animations were used. To engage the user with the brand was always a key element of the websites.

Schaffen was bleibt a microsite of Die deutsche Bauindustrie is a onepager mostly based on video elements, which are using the YouTube API. Another small website I developed is HTX Elf, a brand of TOTAL which sales oils for oldtimers.


u.a. TOTAL, Bauindustrie, HTX


HTML, SASS, Javascript

My part

Development, Testing


Lavazza, Redbull, Coca-Cola,
TOTAL Tankstelle, Yoohoo,
Schaffen was bleibt, HTX Elf

Online Games

For some of TOTAL's monthly campaigns, simple browser games were proposed, to increase the engagement of the brand with its audience. The ideation, design, animation and development were all done inhouse. The respective microsites were additionally developed in this process.

The range of games varied from a basic memory game for the Red Bull campaign to some quiz and matchmaking cardswipe games for campaigns such as Ice Age or Die Schlümpfe.

More complex games like the ones for the Space Travellers , Peter Hase and No Drama Lama campaigns were built in the HTML5 game framework PhaserJS.




HTML, SASS, Javascript, PhaserJS

My part

Concept, Development, Testing


Red Bull, Ice Age,
Schlümpfe, Space Travellers,
Peter Hase, No Drama Lama


Big clients such as Die deutsche Bauindustrie, BDEW (Bundesverband der Energie- und Wasserwirtschaft) or G-BA (Patientenvertretung im Gemeinsamen Bundesausschuss) were in need of a complete website relaunch. A large number of templates for different views needed to be developed which were integrated later in a complex Django-Content-Management-System to satisfy the editorial needs of the user.

In the case of BDEW the system even needed to be split into an internal part for its members and a public page. The relaunch of G-BA had the special need to develop the whole system in a web accessibility friendly way. It passed the BITV-Test, a reliable and comprehensive accessibility evaluation instrument, with over 90 points.


u.a. Bauindustrie, BDEW, G-BA


HTML, SASS, Javascript

My part

Development, Testing


Die deutsche Bauindustrie,


Every month a new marketing campaign. Every month a new brand to advertise with a special need for a unique individual onepager. The range varied from known brands like Lavazza, Redbull or Coca-Cola to special offers at TOTAL Tankstelle for burgers, ice-cream or other snacks. For Christmas TOTAL mostly decided for family friendly products such as the Yoohoo plushies or Disney mugs.
Depending on the brand and product different techniques such as parallax effects or SVG animations were used. To engage the user with the brand was always a key element of the websites.

Schaffen was bleibt a microsite of Die deutsche Bauindustrie is a onepager mostly based on video elements, which are using the YouTube API. Another small website I developed is HTX Elf, a brand of TOTAL which sales oils for oldtimers.


u.a. TOTAL, Bauindustrie, HTX


HTML, SASS, Javascript

My part

Development, Testing


Lavazza, Redbull, Coca-Cola,
TOTAL Tankstelle, Yoohoo,
Schaffen was bleibt, HTX Elf